FIO Protocol x BitMax (FIO)CLOSED |
FIO Protocol x BitMax (FIO)CLOSED |
Value : ~$ 100,000 in Total | Views : 176
The FIO Protocol is a decentralized service layer that bridges the gap between crypto endpoints such as wallets, exchanges, crypto payment processors, and any other application in which crypto assets are held and/or transferred.
FIO Protocol x BitMax are jointly airdropping 700,000 FIO coins (~$ 100,000) among airdrop participants.
- Visit the FIO Protocol & BitMax Airdrop page and scroll down. (Have a account)
- Watch the explainer video and learn about the FIO Protocol.
- Answer the questions at the bottom of the Airdrop page to receive an equal share of 200,000 FIO coins and also get 1 entry towards winning one of the prize drawings!
- After submitting Airdrop part 1, click the "Proceed for more FIO Tokens!" button and join the community for more entries to win! After completing at least one action, scroll down and fill out the Airdrop form part 2.
For more information regarding the Airdrop, check the Official Announcement.
Don't forget to join our Telegram and Twitter for the latest crypto airdrops!